Open Monday 9-4, Tuesday 9-6, Wednesday and Thursday 9-5, Friday 9-4 and Saturday closed for daily walk-in, private appointments only
Open Wednesday 10-5, Thursday 10-5, and Friday 10-4
Searching for CoolSculpting in Kansas City? CoolSculpting is one of the most innovative, non-surgical ways to treat and remove the bumps and bulges of stubborn fat.
This revolutionary technology specifically targets and cools the body’s unwanted fat cells in the selected area to bring about a noticeable reduction in fat bulges that looks completely natural. Unlike other invasive methods of fat reduction, Cool Sculpting involves no needles, surgery, and has minimized downtime. Our patients will often spend their treatment time reading, working on their laptops, or relaxing.
CoolSculpting is the only FDA approved, non-surgical way to remove unwanted fat using patented cooling technology. This non-invasive procedure ist he most simple and effective way to remove stubborn fat from your body without undergoing any surgical procedure.
Other benefits as the#1 non-surgical body sculpting procedure include:
– Over 3 million treatments performed safely worldwide.
– Little to no downtime.
– No needles, no knives, no anesthesia, no scars.
– No special diet, no special exercise program, no supplements.
– Additional treatments int the same or different ares can enhance the desired aesthetic affect.
The Cool Sculpting result is a noticeable, natural-looking reduction of fat in the treated area as long as you maintain your weight with normal diet and exercise, your long-term results should remain stable.
The main difference between CoolSculpting and the many forms of liposuction is that the latter is a surgical procedure that comes with all the risks of general surgery, while CoolSculpting is a non-surgical outpatient procedure. Cool Sculpting can be cheaper than liposuction and offers a greatly reduced downtime. Liposuction is also more invasive and involves making incisions in the patient to remove the fat, sewing them up, and includes a greater degree of pain for the patient. However, Kansas City CoolSculpting treatment is only effective for certain types of patients, while liposuction is more beneficial to others.
CoolSculpting is also different from laser and ultrasound assisted liposuction in that these procedures use a laser to contour the body not reduce fat. These types of treatments can be painful for the patient, as well as costly.
Open Monday 9-4, Tuesday 9-6, Wednesday and Thursday 9-5, Friday 9-4 and Saturday closed for daily walk-in, private appointments only
Open Wednesday 10-5, Thursday 10-5, and Friday 10-4
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